Friday, March 29, 2013

Palacios Thanksgiving

So since it is almost April I thought I should finish up our posts from last year that we never completed....Thanksgiving, graduations, more time with Meg....So here goes.

Our Palacios Thanksgiving

We ended up having amazing Thanksgivings. We had our first Thanksgiving (on Thanksgiving) in Palacios with everyone at the clinic and played a little two hand touch American Football before dinner. I still don't think everyone understands the rules but it was a really fun time with just one or two collisions...

 The Prep Team
 Fried Turkey Chef....Thanks Alex

Some Pre-Dinner Football (TURKEY BOWL)...too busy playing to take more than a picture

 The Dinner and Desert Spreads
I'm sorry I had to include this because the pineapple was just so beautifully cut!

Grace and can only see about half our guests. Dinner was delicious and I'm pretty sure there were no leftover desserts.

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