Monday, August 6, 2012

Sucre...part one...the house and school

Sucre...part one

On our flight into Sucre....flew over lots of mountains.
We had originally planned to take a bus but when we went to the station on the morning we planned to leave there were no tickets left and people everywhere were asking for tickets to Sucre.  Apparently there had been no buses for three days traveling from Santa Cruz to Sucre and now everyone was trying to get there. We think there must have been a road blockade. So we then tried to call the two airports to get tickets; however they told us we had to go to the airport to try to buy tickets...we ended up having to go two days later than planned because there were also no flights!

Arrival at the airport in Sucre...cheerios in hand
We flew into Sucre's airport, as you can see it is literally just a big lot with a small building. No more than one airplane can land at a time (although the airplane itself was very large; larger than the ones I normally take home to Mobile). The cheerios would prove to come in very handy as David got sick several days later....

Our room
We stayed with a family; Anna, Jaime, and Berta. They were great. We had breakfast and lunch with them daily and the lunches they made were amazing. We got to try many of the typical dishes of Sucre including soup to start every lunch followed by Pollo Picante, pique macho, and others. Everything was delicious.
look dad two beds :) 

The inside courtyard of the house we stayed at. From the streets most families had a door that they entered through which led to a courtyard with a fountain and an area to park you car if you had one. Then several family members would have seperate apartments within the door. Ours is the downstairs one straight ahead in this picture. It reminded me of small towns in Europe (not that I really know.)

 Our street
Our door is on the left hand side right past the jeep. Most all of the streets look like this.

Kara's Classroom
This is the classroom Kara used most days. She worked with one teacher in the morning and one in the afternoon....lots of work learning new verbs and the proper use of "estar" vs "ser."

 David's classroom
This is what the inside of most of the classrooms looked like. We all worked one on one with a teacher and each room had it's own whiteboard.

Kara with some of the other students
Every friday night the school hosted either a meal or a salsa class at the school. The Friday we were there they had dinner...David unfortunately was home sick...

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