Monday, July 23, 2012

Teresa taking us to the airport! Thanks for the stop at Dunkin Donuts as we didn't eat again until midnight!

 With all of our luggage....thankfully it has all arrived here now

 The front of the house

 Backyard...great place for studying spanish

 Dining room


 Tree in the middle of the house :)

 One of the views from the rooftop...couldn't get a good picture...

Upstairs t.v. room with Dave

Here are some pictures of the house...not really any of the town because I keep forgetting my camera but a couple of the house. When Alice gets home I will try to get some pics from her...its hard to describe the city in words so we'll get some pictures soon (or when we get back from Sucre)! The weather has been the 70's (which is great for now but somewhat worrisome since this is the middle of the winter!)

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