Monday, January 28, 2013

Uyuni...Part 3

 Starting the day off with a sunset over the Laguna Roja, a trip to the geysers and the hot springs. When we first got to the hot springs it was packed so our guide took us on a short trip to see some other stuff and when we returned we had the springs practically to ourselves!


 Hot Springs

 On our way, Meg in our jeep...

 Back to Laguna Roja during the day

More driving and more sights. It felt like we drove through every possible landscape of the world...desert, minerals, ice, pastures, mountains, plains, rocks, everything! It was amazing.
Quinoa field, one of the largest crops in this area

Our last set of rocks to climb. Some of us chose to tackle the larger ones....others not so much.


The end of our trip after we returned to Uyuni, with our driver and cook (I feel really bad but I can't remember their names!). Although we were all ready to be done with the jeep by the end of day 3, and even though most of us had somehow caught a cold during the week, the trip was amazing and unlike anything we'd ever done. We loved it.

Uyuni Day 2

Starting the morning off...
Our Jeep
Dave jumping on the railroad tracks, demonstrating his gracefulness and flexibility which lead to a split down the middle of his pants...yes he continues to wear these for the rest of the trip

Another beautiful morning

Made it to our first stop: rock formations



Back in the car and onto our next stop...Lake...


 More driving and onto the lake with the flamingos

Slightly more graceful...
Taking a breather, enjoying the weather and view
Rains coming in
Picnic spot for the day, trying to finish lunch before the rain moves in (which actually turned out to be hail)
 Next stop, more cool rocks, we weren't sure if we were supposed to climb this at first but after taking some time to feed the rabbit we decided to go for it.

Some petrified rocks....and more climbing (notice the theme, we like to climb)

 Last stop for the day: Laguna Roja and our hostel

The walk from our hostel up the hill for a better can kind of see the path we walked
If you look closely you can see some white buildings in the back of the picture, our hostel after climbing the cliff